Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mother Loses Child to Murderer, So Louisiana Police Shock Her With Electrocution Device

Hat Tip to African American Political Pundit,
editor of the Tasered While Black blog.

How should police handle a mother in shock over the shooting death of her six year old child? Naturally, they should try to soothe and calm her, call psychological specialists to her side, and perhaps offer her a cup of water, right?

That is, unless she is a Black woman in Louisiana. If she is a Black woman in Louisiana:

The frantic mother of a 6-year-old boy killed in this morning's triple murder in Terrytown was subdued with a Taser gun by Jefferson Parish deputies at the murder scene, a sheriff's spokesman said.

The mother of Four Overstreet grew irate with authorities when she arrived at the Monterey Court apartment where the rampage happened before 4 a.m. Saturday. When she got physical, deputies stunned [gave her a 50,000 volt electrical shock] her to bring the situation under control, Col. John Fortunato said. New Orleans Metro Real Time News

African American Political Pundit says,
One has to wonder if this would happen in a middle class community and the woman was of another color? . . . It's time to have Congressional Taser Hearings into Taser Torture in America. Sign the petition HERE.

According to New Orleans Metro Real Time News, polce are offering a $2,500 reward for tips:
The Sheriff's Office is asking anyone with information to contact the Homicide Division at 504.364.5300 or Crimestoppers at 504.822.1111 or toll free at 877.903.7867. Callers do not have to give their names or testify and can earn up to $2,500 for tips that lead to an indictment. New Orleans Metro Real Time News
Here's a tip: Charge the police officers with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder for trying to electrocute a woman who just lost her child to murderers not on the police force.

And here's another tip for those who believe stronger Electrocution use guidelines will resolve this problem:
Electroction Guideline 664(b): If a woman has just discovered that her son was murdered, then giving her an additional shock of 50,000 volts might send her into cardiac arrest. That's not a good idea.
If police don't know that Blacks are human, will "guidelines" help them to learn this?

1 comment:

AAPP said...

Great post Francis! This tasering of black women, children and men for no real reason has to stop.

I also posted here: